

美音:[skɔ: ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[skɔ: ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.得分,乐谱,抓痕,二十,终点线,刻痕,帐目,起跑线 vt.把...记下,刻划,划线,获得,评价 vi.记分,刻痕,得分


score为小学词汇   词频:2123


名词:scorer 动词过去式:scored 过去分词:scored 现在分词:scoring 第三人称单数:scores

近义词, 同义词


acquire  attain  calculate  compute  cut  earn  figure  gain  get  line  mark  scratch  stroke  tally  win    


/skɔ:(r); skɔr/
1 [C]
(a) number of points, goals, etc made by a player or team in a game, or gained in a competition, etc (比赛中一方得的)分数
*a high/low score 高[低]分
* make a good score of
50 points 获得50分的好成绩
* What's my score? 我得了多少分?
* [attrib 作定语] a score-keeper, score-sheet 记分员、记分单. =>App
4 见附录4.
(b) number of points made by both players or teams in such a game, etc (比赛中双方得的)分数, 比分
*keep the score, ie keep a record of the score as it is made 记分数
* The final score was 4-3. 最後的比分是4比3.
(c) number of marks gained in a test, examination, etc (考试、测验得的)分数
*a score of
120 in the IQ test 智商测验中获得的120分.
2 [C] cut, scratch or scrape on a surface 刻痕; 划痕
*deep scores on the rock, eg made by a glacier 岩石上深深的凹痕(如冰川留下的)
* scores made by a knife on the bark of a tree 用刀在树皮上划的痕迹.
3 [sing] (dated infml 旧, 口) amount of money owed, eg in a restaurant 欠帐, 欠款(如于餐馆中)
*pay the score at the hotel 付旅店费.4 (a) [C] (pl unchanged 复数不变) set or group of twenty 二十
*a score of people 二十人
* three score and ten, ie
70 七十.
(b) scores [pl] very many 很多
*`How many people were there?' `There were scores (of them).' `那里有多少人?'`有很多(人).'
5 [C]
(a) written or printed version of a piece of music showing what each instrument is to play or what each voice is to sing 总谱; 乐谱
*the piano score of the opera, ie with the orchestra's music arranged for a piano 歌剧中的钢琴乐谱.
(b) music for a film, play, etc (电影、戏剧等的)配乐
*a stirring film score by William Walton 由威廉·沃尔顿创作的感人的电影配乐.
6 (idm 习语) know the score => know. on more scores than `one for many good reasons 由于许多原因; 为了许多理由
*I want revenge against her on more scores than one. 我有种种理由要向她报复. on `that score with regard to that; as far as that is concerned 关于那一点; 为了这一点
*You need have no worries on that score. 你不必担心那件事. pay/settle an old score => old.
1. What´s my score?

2. This simple motif runs throughout the entire score.

3. Afraid to look at the score-board, I watched Ron's face. Suddenly he leaped into the air, the crowd cheered, and I knew I'd won — two gold medals, one for the three-meter springboard, one for the ten-meter platform.
