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名词:contriver 动词过去式:contrived 过去分词:contrived 现在分词:contriving 第三人称单数:contrives

近义词, 同义词


conspire  devise  invent  plan  plot  scheme    


/kən'traɪv; kən`traɪv/
v (fml 文)
1 [Tn] plan (sth) cleverly or deceitfully; invent; design 谋划或策划(某事); 发明; 设计
*contrive a device, an experiment, a means of escape 设计一个装置; 筹划一项实验; 策划逃跑
* contrive a way of avoiding paying tax 设法逃税
* Their sudden outburst was obviously genuine; it couldn't have been contrived. 他们突如其来的发作显然是真的, 这是装不出来的.
2 [Tt] manage (to do sth) in spite of difficulties 想尽办法做某事物
*contrive to live on a small income 靠菲薄的收入精打细算过日子
* (ironic 反语) He contrived to make matters worse, ie unintentionally made them worse by what he did. 他弄巧成拙.


v [T]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: controver, from Late Latin contropare]
formal to succeed in doing something in spite of difficulties
contrive to do sth
 Schindler contrived to save more than 1,000 Polish Jews from the Nazis.
to arrange an event or situation in a clever way, especially secretly or by deceiving people
 The lawsuit says oil companies contrived the oil shortage in the 1970s.
to make or invent something in a skilful way, especially because you need it suddenly
 In 1862, a technique was contrived to take a series of photographs showing stages of movement.