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environment为小学词汇   词频:717


en-=in,into,on,at,near 从“在中间”之意演变成“使进入某种状态~,使成为~”等,把表示to make之意的名词、形容词变为及物动词 变化型 em-

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/ɪn'vaɪərənmənt; ɪn`vaɪrənmənt/
1 [C, U] conditions, circumstances, etc affecting people's lives (影响人们生活的)情况、环境等
*An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour. 不愉快的家庭环境能影响儿童的行为.
* A noisy smoke-filled room is not the best environment to work in. 房间里乌烟瘴气于工作十分不利.
2 the environment [sing] natural conditions, eg land, air and water, in which we live (我们生活的)自然环境(如土地、空气、水)
*Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment.许多人都关心环境污染问题.
* measures to protect the environment, ie prevent spoiling it further 保护环境的措施(防止进一步污染)
* the Department of the Environment, ie the British Government department responsible for land planning, transport, preservation of public amenities, pollution control, protection of the coast and countryside, etc 环境事务部(英国政府部门, 负责土地规划、运输、保护公共设施、控制污染、保护海岸和乡村等).


[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: environ 'to surround' (14-21 centuries), from Old French environer, from environ 'around', from viron 'circle']
the environment
the air, water, and land on Earth, which can be harmed by man's activities
 Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.
 legislation to protect the environment
 the effects of acid rain on the environment
 the government minister for the environment
[U and C]
the people and things that are around you in your life, for example the buildings you use, the people you live or work with, and the general situation you are in
 Our first task was to improve the physical environment (=buildings, furniture etc) in the school.
 Young children often feel happier in the home environment .
 The company had failed to provide a safe environment for its workers.
working/learning environment
 a pleasant working environment
political/economic environment
 a stable economic environment
the natural features of a place, for example its weather, the type of land it has, and the type of plants that grow in it
 a forest environment
 a very adaptable creature that will eat different foods in different environments
WORD FOCUS: environment
good for the environment: environmentally friendly, eco-friendly, sustainable, recyclable, biodegradable, renewable, organic
people who want to protect the environment: greens, eco-warriors
things that cause harm to the environment: pollution, greenhouse gases, global warming, acid rain, deforestation
See also: ozone layer, fossil fuel, CFC

1. But can the colossal cities of the future really function without overloading all their services to the point of collapse and destroying the environment through pollution of air and water?

2. In short, the individual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment.

3. The waste of this chemical factory contaminates the environment.

4. The most important factor in our environment is the state of our own minds.

5. The costly result is a growing greenness in the cities and a healthier environment for all the civilians who live there.

6. To talk about problem-solving or decision-making within a national environment means examining many complex cultural forces.

7. The people who run and teach at jukus say the schools are popular only because they work, creating a lively and interesting environment in which students learn because they are enjoying themselves.

8. The smoke of one small fire causes no harm to the environment. Natural cleaning processes can clean the particles of smoke from the air.

9. The identification of even one gene does, however, have immense implications for the genetics/environment debate.

10. However, these dams also cause problems. In some places, the holding areas behind the dams have destroyed the environment for animals, birds, and plants.
    然而这些水坝也造成了问题。有些地方, 水坝后面的蓄水区已经破坏了动物、鸟类和植物的生存环境。
