

美音:[hi:p ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.堆,大量,许多 vt.堆,堆起 v.堆积


heap为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5623


动词过去式:heaped 过去分词:heaped 现在分词:heaping 第三人称单数:heaps

近义词, 同义词


fill  gather  load  pile  stack    


/hi:p; hip/ n
1 number of things or mass of material lying piled up 堆
*a heap of books, sand, rubbish 一堆书、沙、垃圾
* clothes left in heaps on the ground 丢弃在地上的一堆堆的衣服
* The building was reduced to a heap of rubble. 那建筑物已成了一片瓦砾.
* (fig 比喻) She collapsed on the floor in a heap. 她蜷作一团瘫倒在地上.
2 heaps [pl] ~ (of sth) (infml 口) great number or amount; plenty 大量; 许多
*We have heaps of time. 我们有很多时间.
* She's been there heaps of times. 她去过那里许多次了.
* I've got heaps to tell you. 我有很多话要跟你说.
3 (infml joc 口, 谑) motor car that is old and in poor condition 破旧的汽车.
4 (idm 习语) heaps better, more, older, etc (infml 口) much better, etc 好、多、旧...得多
*Do have a second helping there's heaps more. 再吃一些吧--东西多着呢.

1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) put (things) in a pile 堆积(物品)
*heap (up) stones to form a dam 把石头堆成一道堤坝
* (fig 比喻) heap up riches 积聚财富
* a heaped spoonful of flour 满满的一匙面粉.
2 [Tn.pr] ~ sth on sb/sth; ~ sb/sth with sth load or place sth in a pile on sb/sth 在某物中装满某物; 给予某人大量的某事物
*heap food on one's plate/heap one's plate with food 在盘中盛满食物
* (fig 比喻) heap praises, insults, etc on sb 对某人大加赞扬、侮辱等.
3 (idm 习语) heap coals of `fire on sb's head make sb feel remorse for treating one badly by treating him well in return 对某人以德报怨而使之愧悔.


Don't Play Us Cheap is a 1972 musical written, produced, and directed by Melvin Van Peebles, about an imp and a devil who take human form and try to break up a Harlem house party. A film version was produced in 1973.
1. The entire area looked like a gigantic rubbish heap.

2. Their justification: some 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end up on the trash heap.

3. He found a toy electric motor in a junk heap.

4. On the ground before you is the pile it held — so much like the piles in the other bags, could they be emptied, that all might be combined and mixed in a single heap and the bags refilled without altering the content of any greatly.
