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n.暴风雨,暴风雪 v.狂怒咆哮 [军] Sensor,Tank,Off-Route Mine,路外反坦克雷传感器


storm为中学词汇   词频:6131


动词过去式:stormed 过去分词:stormed 现在分词:storming 第三人称单数:storms

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assail  assault  attack  beset  besiege  boil  charge  fume  outburst  rage  raid  rampage  rant  rave  seethe  tempest  calm    


/stɔ:m; stɔrm/
1 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) occasion of violent weather conditions, with strong winds and usu rain or snow or thunder, etc 风暴; 暴风雨; 暴风雪; 雷暴天气
*a `thunder-/`wind-/`rain-/`snow-/`dust-/`sand-storm 雷暴[风暴/雨暴/雪暴/尘暴/沙暴]
* A storm is brewing, ie coming. 暴风雨要来了.
* [attrib 作定语] a storm warning 风暴警报
* cross the Channel in a storm 在暴风雨中渡过英吉利海峡
* The forecast says there will be storms. 天气预报称将有暴风雨.
2 [C] ~ (of sth) sudden violent outburst or display of strong feeling 感情的猛然爆发或激烈表现
*a storm of anger, weeping, cheering, abuse, criticism 一阵愤怒、大哭、欢呼、辱骂、抨击
* His proposal was met by a storm of protest. 他的建议遭到激烈的反对.
3 storms [pl] (US infml 口) storm-door or storm-window (防风暴的)外重门或外重窗.
4 (idm 习语) any port in a storm => port1. the calm before the storm => calm n. the eye of the storm => eye1. ride out/weather the/a `storm
(a) (nautical 海) endure and survive a storm (esp at sea) 战胜风暴(尤指在海上).
(b) survive opposition, criticism, difficult circumstances, etc without being seriously affected 经受住反对、批评、困难的处境等; 渡过难关. a storm in a `teacup a lot of fuss, excitement, disturbance, etc about sth unimportant 茶杯里的风暴(小事惹起的轩然大波). take sth/sb by `storm
(a) capture sth by a violent and sudden attack (以猛烈袭击)攻占某处或袭取某事物
*take a city by storm 以袭击攻克一城市.
(b) (of a performer or performance) have great and rapid success with (people or a place); captivate sth/sb (指表演者或演出)在(观众中或某地)大获成功; 迷住某事物[某人]
*The play took the audience/Paris by storm. 该剧一下子迷住了观众[轰动了巴黎].

1 [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (at sb) express violent anger; shout angrily and loudly 大发雷霆; 愤怒地大声喊叫
*`Get out of here!' he stormed. `滚出去!'他嚷道.
2 [Ipr, Ip] ~ about, around, off, etc move or walk in a very angry or violent manner in the direction specified 怒气冲冲地或其势凶猛地向某方向移动或行走
*storming round the house 围着房子乱闯
* storm out of the room 愤怒地冲出房间
* After the argument she stormed off. 经过争论之後她愤然离开.
3 [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (one's way) across, in, through, etc attack violently and force a way across, etc (a place) 猛攻而强行穿越、经过...(某处)
*Three soldiers stormed into the house. 有三名士兵冲进了那所房子.
* They stormed (their way) in. 他们闯了进去.
4 [Tn] capture (sth) by a sudden and violent attack 攻占, 袭取(某事物)
*storm a castle, fort, building, etc 攻占一城堡、要塞、建筑物等.
1. Engineers build huge storm pipes or sewers (污水沟) to carry the storm water away, but these cause another problem.

2. When our plane landed in the storm , it hit the runway with a jolt.

3. The storm showed elemental fury in its violence.

4. These clouds are ominous. They portend a severe storm.
    这些云是不祥的预兆, 预示着一场大风暴即将来临。

5. Those clouds presage a storm.

6. This painting is a representation of a storm at sea.

7. They found shelter from the storm in a barn.

8. The storm cut a swathe through the forest.

9. He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up.

10. A storm is imminent.
