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party为小学词汇   词频:177


名词复数:parties 动词过去式:partied 过去分词:partied 现在分词:partying 第三人称单数:parties

近义词, 同义词

crowd  throng  group  flood  rush  deluge  rabble  mob  press  horde  body  tribe  crew  gang  knot  squad  band  party  swarm  shoal  school  covey  flock  herd  drove  bunch  drive  force  array  bevy  galaxy  corps  company  troop  troupe  task force  army  regiment  combatants  host  multitude  clan  brotherhood  fraternity  sorority  association  party  volley  storm  cloud  group  cluster  clump crowd  throng  group  flood  rush  deluge  rabble  mob  press  horde  body  tribe  crew  gang  knot  squad  band  party  swarm  shoal  school  covey  flock  herd  drove  bunch  drive  force  array  bevy  galaxy  corps  company  troop  troupe  task force  army  regiment  combatants  host  multitude  clan  brotherhood  fraternity  sorority  association  party  volley  storm  cloud  group  cluster  clump    


affair  ball  band  body  celebration  company  crew  faction  fellow  festival  fete  gang  group  individual  person    


/'pɑ:tɪ; `pɑrtɪ/
1 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) social gathering to which people are invited, esp in order to celebrate sth 社交集会; (尤指)庆祝会, 纪念会
*a `birthday party 生日庆祝会
* a `dinner party 宴会
* a `garden party 游园会
* I'm giving/having/holding a party next Saturday night. 星期六我举行晚会.
* [attrib 作定语] a `party dress 宴会服.
2 [CGp] (used esp in compounds or attributively with ns 尤用以构成复合词或用以修饰名词) group of people working or travelling together (一起工作、同行的)群, 组, 团, 队
*a `search party 搜索组
* The Government set up a working party to look into the problem. 政府成立了工作组调查那个问题.
* a party of schoolchildren, tourists, etc 一群小学生、游客等.
3 [CGp] (used esp in compounds or attributively with ns 尤用以构成复合词或用以修饰名词) political organization with stated aims and policies that puts forward candidates in elections 党; 政党; 党派
*The main political parties in the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans. 美国的主要政党是民主党和共和党.
* She's a member of the `Communist Party. 她是共产党员.
* [attrib 作定语] the party `leader, `policy, mani`festo 党的领袖、政策、宣言
* party `interests, `funds, `members 党的利益、基金、成员
* the `party system, ie government based on political parties 政党制度(即政党统治).
4 [C] (law 律) person or people forming one side in a legal agreement or dispute (契约或争论中的)一方, 当事人
*the guilty party, ie the person who is to blame for sth 有罪过的一方
* Is this solution acceptable to all parties concerned? 这个解决办法有关各方是否都能接受?
5 [C] (dated infml 旧, 口) person 人.
6 (idm 习语) be
(a) party to sth participate in, knowabout or support (an action, a plan, etc) 参与、了解或支持(某行动、计画等)
*be party to an agreement, a crime, a decision 参与协议、犯罪活动、决定
* They refused to be party to any violence. 他们拒不参加任何暴力活动.


The Dominica Freedom Party is a conservative political party in Dominica.
1. Everyone in the party was attracted by the imposing elderly lady.

2. B: That´s right. It was the Party that got the workers organized and made them feel their own strength.

3. B. Yes, that´s one of the finest things about the book — it shows how young intellectuals grow into determined Communists through the Party´s education and the struggles they take part in.
    B. 是的,这就是这本书最好的一点——它展示了年轻的知识分子是怎样通过党的教育和他们所参与的斗争而成长为意志坚定的共产主义者的。

4. But there is no question that if either party insists on bringing in a so-called "neutral" third party (usually some representative of the state or legal profession), not only will the process take longer, in many instances it will be more
    可是毫无疑问,如果任何一方坚持要有所谓 "中立"的第三方(通常是政府代表或者职业律师)介入,那不但会拖长决策过程,而且在很多时候,决策还会更加武断、更加不人道。

5. We cancelled the party because I was ill.

6. Would you like to go to a party to dance?

7. Would you like to go to a party to dance?

8. While Sussman was neat and serious about studying, his roommate was messy and liked to party into the early hours of the morning.

9. There will be a party in this ballroom.

10. The Party Central Committee is leading us on the new long march.
