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n.[亦作mold] 肥土,壤土,[亦作mold] 霉,模具 v.用土覆盖,发霉,铸造


mould为六级词汇   词频:5970

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1 [Tn, Tn.pr]
(a) ~ sth (into sth) shape (a soft substance) into a particular form or object 使(软材料)成形
*mould plastic (into drain-pipes) 用塑料模压(成排水管).
(b) ~ sth (from/out of/in sth) make sth by shaping it 塑造某物
*mould a head out of/in clay 用黏土塑造头像.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (into sb/sth) guide or control the development of sb/sth; shape or influence sb/sth 指导或控制某人[某事物]的发展; 塑造或影响某人[某事物]
*mould sb's character 塑造某人的性格
* Television moulds public opinion. 电视能影响舆论.
* mould a child into a mature adult 把孩子造就为成熟的成年人.
3 [Ipr, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) to/round sth (cause sth to) fit tightly round the shape of (an object) (使某物)与(某物体)的外形吻合
*Her wet clothes moulded round her body. 她的湿衣服紧贴在身上.
1. When Fleming arrived the next morning, he saw that the plate had gathered mould during the night.

2. They poured the hot metal into the mould.

3. He transferred the mould to a clean plate and let it grow for two weeks.

4. On the uncovered plate the bacteria on the outer ring were flourishing, but close to the mould there were none left.

5. Fleming presented the result of his experiment in a report to a medical association, giving the name penicillin to the mould he had discovered.
