

美音:[´kerıktə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´kerıktə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.(事物的)特性,性质,特征(的总和),(人的)品质,字符,性格,特征,人物 vt.写,刻,印,使具有特征


character为中学词汇   词频:818


形容词:characterless 动词过去式:charactered 过去分词:charactered 现在分词:charactering 第三人称单数:characters

近义词, 同义词



/'kærəktə(r); `kærɪktɚ/
1 [C]
(a) mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, nation, etc different from others (个人、集体、民族等特有的)品质, 特性
*What does her handwriting tell you about her character? 你从她的画法中看到她有什么个性?
* His character is very different from his wife's. 他和他妻子的性格迥然不同.
* The British character is often said to be phlegmatic. 英国人的性格常说成是冷漠的.
(b) all those features that make a thing, a place, an event, etc what it is and different from others (事物、地方、事件等的)特点, 特徵, 特性, 特色
*the character of the desert landscape 沙漠景色的特点
* The whole character of the village has changed since I was last here. 自从我上次到这里以来, 这个村庄的特色完全改变了.
* The wedding took on the character of (ie became like) a farce when the vicar fell flat on his face. 牧师 了个大马趴, 婚礼变得像出笑剧.
2 [U]
(a) striking individuality 显着的个性
*drab houses with no character 没有特色的单调房屋.
(b) moral strength 道德的力量; 品格; 品德
*a woman of character 有道德的女子
* It takes character to say a thing like that. 说那样的话需要有骨气.
* Some people think military service is character-building. 有些人认为服兵役能陶冶情操.
3 [C]
(a) (infml 口) person, esp an odd or unpleasant one 人(尤指古怪或令人讨厌的人)
*He looks a suspicious character. 他像个可疑的人.
(b) (approv 褒) person who is not ordinary or typical; person with individuality 与众不同的人; 有个性的人
*She's a real/quite a character! 她真[很]有个性!
4 [C] person in a novel, play, etc (小说、戏剧等中的)人物
*the characters in the novels of Charles Dickens 狄更斯小说中的人物.
5 [C] reputation, esp a good one 名声(尤指好名声); 声望
*damage sb's character 损害某人的名声.
6 [C] letter, sign or mark used in a system of writing or printing (用于书写或印刷系统的)字母、符号或记号
*Chinese, Greek, Russian, etc characters 汉字、希腊字母、俄文字母.
7 (idm 习语) in/out of character typical/not typical of a person's character(1a) 合乎[不合乎]某人的性格
*Her behaviour last night was quite out of character. 她昨晚的举止与她的性格很不相符.

actor who specializes in playing odd or eccentric characters 性格演员.


1【all somebody's qualities】
3【qualities of something】
4【moral strength】
5【interesting quality】
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: caractere, from Latin character 'mark, particular quality', from Greek, from charassein 'to make a mark in a surface']
【ALL SOMEBODY'S QUALITIES】 [C usually singular]
the particular combination of qualities that makes someone a particular type of person
 He has a cheerful but quiet character.
 Children grow up with a mixture of character traits (=character qualities) from both sides of their family.
 his temper and other character flaws (=bad qualities)
in character/out of character
(=typical or untypical of someone's character)
 He swore, which was out of character for him.
the English/French etc character
 Openness is at the heart of the American character.
character sketch
(=a description of someone's character)
【PERSON】[C]a) a person in a book, play, film etc
 Candida is the most interesting character in the play.
main/central character
 In the story, the main character has left his girlfriend and baby.
 Everyone recognizes Disney's cartoon characters .
b) a person of a particular type, especially a strange or dishonest one
 a couple of shady characters standing on the corner
 I'm considered a reformed character these days (=someone who has stopped doing bad things) .
c) an interesting and unusual person
 Linda was something of a character.
the particular combination of features and qualities that makes a thing or place different from all others
= naturecharacter of
 The whole character of the school has changed.
 the unspoilt character of the coast
in character
 The southern state became more nationalist in character.
a combination of qualities such as courage, loyalty, and honesty that are admired and regarded as valuable
 a woman of great character
 Schools were created to teach reading and mathematics, not moral character.
 It takes strength of character to admit you are wrong.
 outdoor programs that are meant to be character building (=develop good moral qualities)
a quality that makes someone or something special and interesting
 a red wine with a meaty character
 suburban houses that lack character
the opinion that people have about whether you are a good person and can be trusted
 a man of previous good character
 The campaign was accused of character assassination (=an unfair attack on someone's character) because of its negative ads.
 His defence called several people as character witnesses (=people who think that someone has a good character) .
 Mr Wetherby wrote him a character reference (=a statement about his good qualities) .
a letter, mark, or sign used in writing, printing, or on a computer
 the Chinese character for horse
1. Children usually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faith means to a child.
    如果父母意识到孩子通常多么希望父母的品行和父母的绝对正确, 以及这种信任对孩子又有怎样的意义,

2. But only Charle Chaplin could have created the great comic character of " the Tramp ", the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame.

3. Bad as well as good moods add flavor to life and build character. The key is balance.

4. What does her handwriting tell you about her character?

5. The character is the qualities he traditionally possesses himself.

6. They have a character, perhaps two; they are in that condition of eager discomfort which passes for inspiration;

7. The Hyde School assumes "every human being has a unique potential" that is based on character, not intelligence or wealth.

8. To avoid the controversy of other character programs used in US schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best has nothing to do with forcing the students to accept a particular set of morals or religious values.

9. The unique character of the clicking sounds in their language has persuaded some researchers that the Khoisan people are directly descended from the most primitive human ancestors.

10. Now, Joe Gauld is trying to spread his controversial Character First idea to public, inner-city schools willing to use the tax dollars spent on the traditional program for the new approach.
